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7 Silent Killer Effects Of Sugar On Your Body

7 Silent Killer Effects Of Sugar On Your Body

White sugar is a poison for the human body. Described as an empty calorie food, white sugar does not provide any important nutrients to the body. So, did you ever notice that when you were eating a biscuit, you automatically wanted to finish the box? In truth, sugar acts like a hard drug and can engender a real physical and psychological dependence.

Sugar is ubiquitous in modern diets. Sodas, sauces, breads, dairy products, frozen dishes are all foods that may contain sugar. Well concealed under various names such as sucrose, corn syrup, agave nectar or cane juice, it can be hard to spot even reading the food labels.

Unfortunately, this silent killer has a detrimental impact on all the organs of the human body.

Here are the effects of this sweet poison on your body:

1. Sugar makes you gain weight
It has long been thought that fat is responsible for excess weight. Yet it is sugar that causes an accumulation of body fat. Indeed, a study shows a close correlation between the increase in sugar consumption and the increase in body mass index.

2. Sugar accelerates the aging of the skin
The consumption of sugar also influences the quality of the dermis. In fact, sugar reacts chemically with the proteins and lipids present in the dermis and gives rise to what is called glycation. This process damages the collagen and causes a loss of elasticity of the skin. Thus, when eating too much sweet food, the skin tissues relax and wrinkles appear faster.

3. Sugar promotes heart disease
When you eat too much sugar, your heart suffers the most. In fact, sugar damages the arteries and promotes the risk of serious diseases. According to a scientific experiment, a diet rich in sugars is at risk of heart disease. Indeed, an excess of sugar, especially in industrial drinks, may be associated with atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by obstruction of the arteries.

4. Sugar increases the risk of diabetes
An excess of sugar also attacks the pancreas, the organ responsible for producing insulin. When consuming too much sugary foods, the pancreas can overload and have difficulty producing enough insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. In addition, excess sugar can prevent the body from regulating blood sugar. This is the case of type 2 diabetes where the body develops insulin resistance.

5. Sugar generates an addiction
When we eat high-sugar products, the brain produces a chemical known as dopamine. The latter offers a temporary sensation of well-being. According to scientists, this mechanism has the same effect as that of dependence. By activating the circuits of reward in the brain, sugar makes addicted and generates compulsive dietary reactions.

6. Sugar causes mood disorders
Some people tend to consume chocolate, cookies or sweets when they are stressed or upset. Thanks to the soothing effect of sugar, they find solace by ingesting this sweet poison. Unfortunately, scientific research indicates that this ephemeral pleasure can cause mood disorders and increase the risk of depression.

7. Sugar causes the appearance of cavities
You've probably been told that sugar is bad for your teeth and can cause cavities. However, some thought that maintaining good oral hygiene would reduce the risk of tooth decay. But in reality, researchers show that brushing your teeth only partially prevents the impact of sugar on your teeth.