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10 Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

10 Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

The kidneys are vital organs that are an integral part of the urinary system and have several important functions. Located under the ribs, behind the abdomen, they are responsible for filtering the blood to assimilate the minerals needed by the body and to evacuate waste through the urinary tract. In addition, the kidneys secrete important hormones to regulate blood pressure and produce red blood cells, essential for circulating oxygen in the body.

"Take care of your body, it's the only permanent place you live," Rohn wrote. Unfortunately, many people choose to succumb to their temptations and be guided by automatisms instead of making thoughtful decisions every day. As a result, they end up paying the price when it is too late to act. In this article, we review 10 common and yet harmful habits for your body, especially your kidneys.

The 10 habits that damage the kidneys

Some things we do regularly have a huge impact on our kidneys. According to an article published by National Kidney Foundation, here are 10 habits that damage the kidneys in the long run:

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

1. Take analgesics
Analgesics are drugs that aim to calm the pain. Some of them are over-the-counter and are regularly used to relieve all types of ailments. However, scientists say that regular use of this type of medicine can affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

2. Consume too much salt
We can not tell you enough: excess salt can have serious health consequences. According to WHO, people consume twice as much salt as needed. However, excess salt causes about 2.5 million deaths worldwide each year. Indeed, the salt participates in the increase of the arterial pressure and weakens the kidneys.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

3. Consuming industrial foods
Food industries do not hesitate to use sodium in quantity to enhance the taste of products sold. Also, industrial foods contain additives such as phosphorus that extend their shelf life. Unfortunately, all these ingredients have adverse health consequences and can lead to kidney disease.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

4. Do not hydrate your body enough
Like the WHO recommendations, the Rein Foundation advises drinking about 1.5 liters of water a day. Indeed, a good hydration helps the kidneys to perform their depurative function to eliminate waste via the urinary tract. In addition, one study reports that water helps lower blood pressure and reduces kidney failure.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

5. Have a poor sleep
Many people do not have quality sleep or sleep enough. But sleep apnea can also damage kidney function. According to a study published by The National Kidney Foundation, circadian rhythms have an impact on the kidneys. Thus, people who lack sleep are at greater risk of declining renal function.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

6. Eat too much animal protein
During their degradation, the animal proteins turn into urea and solicit more the renal function. Thus, excessive protein consumption causes urinary excretion of calcium that can result in kidney stones. Also, scientists show that high protein diets significantly alter the kidneys and can lead to chronic kidney disease.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

7. Consume a lot of sweet foods
We appreciate it for its comforting taste when in reality, its consequences on health can be disastrous. Indeed, sugar is hiding in a majority of industrial foods. However, consuming too much sweet food favors kidney pathologies. Indeed, a study shows that excessive consumption of sugary drinks is correlated with diabetes, obesity and kidney disease.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

8. Smoker
Smoking increases blood pressure and increases the deterioration of kidney function. Nicotine has many health disadvantages and can hinder the functioning of vital organs. As a result, tobacco has been shown to increase the risk of chronic kidney disease, a kidney complication usually associated with diabetes.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

9. Drink too much alcohol 
The kidneys take care of filtering the blood and getting rid of unwanted substances. Only alcohol interferes with two vital organs, the liver and the kidneys. Thus, the researchers show that alcohol disrupts the acid-base balance of the body but also the hormones secreted by the kidneys. As a result, excess alcohol can lead to long-term renal failure.

Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

10. Do not practice physical activity
Regular physical activity helps to regulate several determinants of kidney function such as blood pressure and glucose metabolism. Thus, it has been proven that regular physical activity contributes to kidney health.