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 3 Tricks To Get Rid Of  Stinky Household Odors And Perfume The House

3 Tricks To Get Rid Of Stinky Household Odors And Perfume The House

When you keep the house closed for too long or cook particularly strong-tasting dishes, a remedy that absorbs these odors is ideal. Discover the most ingenious tricks to clean up the atmosphere and delicately perfume your home.

3 Tricks To Get Rid Of  Stinky Household Odors And Perfume The House

Citrus fruits, cinnamon, essential oils, a plethora of ingredients are used to eliminate unpleasant scents, but ingenious tricks are much more effective.

3 tips to perfume your home

Cloves, for example, give off a very pleasant smell that can cover even very strong smells!

Here is how to use this remedy in infusion with other natural ingredients to eliminate bad odors in the house and in the kitchen!

With orange zest

To perfume your home and camouflage odors, make an infusion with orange zest. They give off a very pleasant scent that makes them essential for creating a beautiful winter atmosphere!

All you have to do is pour the zest of one orange into a pan with a handful of cloves. Cover everything with water and turn the pot over medium heat before bringing to a boil. The steam will spread throughout the house and eliminate bad smells.

With lemon

Like orange, lemon infusion is also excellent!

Combined with the cloves, it will add a tangy scent that will not only perfume the house but will also drive away the insects!

All you have to do is follow the instructions described in the previous paragraph and replace the orange zest with lemon slices.

Bring the pot to a boil and you will get the fantastic fragrant infusion!

With essential oils

Now let's see how to make the infusion with cloves and essential oils!

You will need to fill a saucepan with water, 5 drops of essential oils of your choice and a handful of cloves.

Bring the water to a boil then turn off the heat once you have reached the intensity you prefer!

I advise you to combine a very fresh essential oil with cloves so as not to create a contrast of smells.

Here are other ways to use cloves

Using a dehumidifier

Another great remedy for using cloves at home is the dehumidifier!

To fight against humidity, dehumidifiers are attached to the radiator or stoves to regulate the flow.

The water usually smells like citrus, cinnamon, or essential oils, but you can add cloves and have a fresh scent!

Pour it into the water and you're done!

With a bag

Finally you can use cloves to make a scented sachet!

This is a trick that I recommend not only for the cupboard or drawers but also for kitchen furniture to keep ants and harmful insects away!

You will have to put a teaspoon of cloves in a small bag and then store it where you prefer or to keep away the beasts you want to hunt.