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10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains When Sitting For Too Long

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains When Sitting For Too Long

10 Exercises To Improve Posture

Everyday, at work or at home, you often end up sitting in front of your computer, manipulating your smartphone or watching TV. These curved postures and sitting positions affect the spine in the long term and can lead to back pain that impedes normal activity. To relieve these ailments, correct your posture and straighten your back, discover these 10 effective exercises that will also relieve your pain.

Bad postures develop from poor sleep positions, stress and anxiety or prolonged sitting. Over time, these reasons can lead to muscle tension, muscle wasting, or overweight, leading to chronic back pain and shoulder pain.

To straighten the back and correct the bad posture, discover these specific exercises and stretches to do at home.

10 Exercises to fix bad posture

1- The position of the bow:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Lie on your stomach
  • Bend your knees by bringing your legs to the back, separating the pelvis from the floor
  • Bringing your shoulders back, grab your ankles with your hands and hold the position without twisting your neck.
  • Exhale, find the original pose

- Repeat 5 times.

2- The extension of the back:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains

  • Lie on your stomach, forehead on the ground
  • Extend your arms in front of you while looking down
  • Raise the bust, the arms (in the same position) and the legs at the same time.
  • Exhale by lifting the head and then return to the initial position while inhaling.

- Make a series of 10.

3- The snowbow standing against the wall:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains

  • Spread your legs a little, keep your knees slightly bent by pressing your back and your head against the wall
  • Press the back of your arms against the wall holding your palms open
  • Move your arms slowly over your head. This should look like a snow angel standing

- Repeat 10 times.

4. The doorway stretch:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Stand inside the door with your arms at 90 degrees and your forearms against the door frame
  • Your bent elbow must be shoulder height
  • Move slowly until you feel a slight stretch of chest and shoulders
  • Hold for 30 seconds then return to home position

- Make a series of 10.

5.The Planks:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Stand in a plank position
  • Tilt the pelvis from right to left by squeezing the abs and buttocks tightly

- Hold for 60 seconds.

6. The extension of the rib cage:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Lie on the floor and press your back on a foam roller
  • Take hold of your arms, lift your glutes and with your heels, move forward and back
  • Roll until you feel discomfort. Stay there for 20 to 30 seconds, then continue driving

- Repeat 5 times.

7- The chest ball:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Place a tennis ball or small ball over your chest to block it between your shoulder and the wall
  • Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds

- Repeat with the other shoulder.

8- The stretching of the shoulders:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains

  • Hold a band, stick, or broomstick in front of you
  • Lift the stick slowly over your head and lower it back until you touch your buttocks

- Make a series of 10.

9.The back stretch (cat / cow pose):

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Sit on all fours (hands under shoulders and knees under hips
  • When inhaling, dig your back by pushing your buttocks backwards and lifting your head up (cow position)
  • When exhaling, round off the back like a cat stretching

- Repeat 10 times.

10.The cobra position:

10 Exercises To Relieve The Spine Pains
  • Lie on your stomach, legs stretched and tight, shoulders back without twisting your neck
  • Inhale, mount your bust and hold the position 30 seconds

- Repeat 3 times.