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14 Signs You Have High Blood Sugar Symptoms

14 Signs You Have High Blood Sugar Symptoms

If genetics is a significant predisposition in the onset of diabetes, this chronic disease can be caused by a diet rich in fast sugars that triggers a significant rise in insulin levels. The state called pre-diabetes is still unknown to the public, uninformed of this intermediate stage which is characterized by fasting blood glucose between 1.05 and 1, 26 grams per liter of blood. And for good reason, this transitional stage is not apprehended because of the difficulty to perceive its symptoms. Here are 14 signs that you have a high blood sugar level and the recommended foods to fix it. Their consumption is recommended to regulate blood sugar.

Too Much Blood Sugar

Few people are aware of the so-called pre-diabetic condition which, diagnosed, can be a real warning signal to thwart the onset of diabetes. This reversible intermediate state requires a serious grip that involves rethinking its diet and its daily intake of sugars. If certain symptoms of this stage prior to chronic disease are hardly noticeable, there are clear body manifestations that our body is saturated with sugars. It is essential to listen to your body to fight against diabetes.

What is pre-diabetes?

Newly identified by physicians, this potentially intermediate stage of diabetes can be fought after a diagnosis is made. To identify this transitional phase, it is recommended to take two blood samples at one week intervals to confirm the existence of pre-diabetes. Once this state of affairs is established, specialists recommend a diet adapted to regulate the level of insulin in the blood and thus thwart the onset of type 2 diabetes. Sustained physical activity is then recommended as preventive. In France, we have 1.5 million pre-diabetic people. These figures are, however, underestimated because of the lack of tests to establish this diagnosis.
What are the symptoms of high blood sugar level?
In the presence of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a doctor who can prescribe blood samples to establish this diagnosis. As a reminder, it is essential to consult a specialist because his opinion will allow you to adopt a healthy lifestyle accordingly.

- Erectile dysfunction or low libido
- Difficulty concentrating
- Irritability or nervousness
- Dry mouth
- Increased appetite
- Digestive discomfort
- Difficult or slow healing
- Persistent desire to urinate
- Recurrent infections
- Persistent thirst
- Dry and reactive skin
- Unjustified weight gain
-  Blurry vision
- Chronic fatigue

If following a blood test, a pre-diabetic diagnosis is established, it will be necessary to completely rethink its diet at the origin of a peak blood sugar. This diet is also adapted to thwart the pre-diabetic state if, for example, there are genetic predispositions to this chronic disease.

Recommended low glycemic index (GI) foods
To prevent the pre-diabetic state, let alone diabetes, it is essential to adapt your diet by preferring foods with a low glycemic index. Here are the foods to incorporate more often in his meals.

- Skimmed milk
- Whole wheat bread
- Lenses
- Chickpea
- Linseed
- Oatmeal
- Cauliflower
- Asparagus
- Sweet potatoes
- Quinoa

What are the foods to avoid?
Some foods should be consumed sparingly if pre-diabetic because their glycemic index is moderate. Prefer small amounts of these by rationing them.

- Fig
- Mango
- Pineapple
- Beet
- Corn semolina (corn starch)
- White rice
- Banana

Which foods to ban?
To prevent diabetes optimally, it is essential to ban the consumption of certain foods that trigger an insulin spike. High glycemic foods can be more rapidly exposed to type 2 diabetes. These are mainly from the industry.

- Potatoes
- Biscuits
- Soft drinks
- White bread
- Honey
- White sugar
- Raisins
- Melon
- Cherry
- Blackberry
- Watermelon
- Flakes of corn
- Puffed rice

In the case of pre-diabetes, the time allotted for counteracting type 2 diabetes is 5 years. This medical prognosis can be overcome by a simple change of diet and lifestyle.