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11 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

11 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

Symptoms The Body Warns Before The Disease Arrives

In the event of a problem or illness, your body has its own means of warning signals. Discover 11 signs sent by your body to warn you of a danger. The human body constitutes a universe of wonders and precision that continues to dazzle scientists due to its complexity. Indeed, the human body is made up of an infinite number of cells whose sole purpose is to keep it alive and in good health. In this sense, when the human body is in any danger, it sends various signals to warn us. Discover 11 signs sent by the human body in imminent danger that should never be ignored.

Many diseases can be prevented or treated if they are detected early enough. For this, it is essential to be attentive to your body and to be able to recognize the signs indicating that something is wrong. Here are 11 signs your body is sending you to warn you of certain diseases.

1- Increasingly fine eyebrows

Symptoms The Body Warns Before The Disease Arrives

If you notice a gradual thinning of your eyebrows, this could be a sign of hyperthyroidism. For this reason, you should speak to your endocrinologist as soon as possible.

2- Swelling of the toes

Symptoms The Body Warns Before The Disease Arrives

If you notice swelling in your toes, it could mean that you have psoriatic arthritis. Even if you don't have other symptoms like itching or irritation, it's important to talk to your dermatologist.

3- Loss of appetite

 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

Sometimes your appetite is suddenly lost due to low morale, but it can, in other cases, represent your body's way of warning you that something is wrong. A sudden loss of appetite could hide a metabolic disorder or gastroesophageal disease. Consult a gastroenterologist to find out.

4- Difficulty breathing in partitioned spaces

If you cannot stay in a confined space such as a room or even a car without opening a window because you have difficulty breathing, you should consult a cardiologist or an endocrinologist to make sure that you do not suffer from 'a heart or thyroid problem.

5- Itching

 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

Feeling itchy frequently could be a symptom of diabetes, or hide a food or other allergy. If you often experience itching, see your endocrinologist for an examination.

6- Changes in your nails

 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

If you notice a change in the shape or texture of your nails, this could be a warning sign that you have a heart problem or be a symptom of a pathological process launched by your body to alert you to any sickness. It is therefore recommended to do a full examination with your doctor.

7- Sudden drying of your skin

 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

If your skin suddenly and unexplained dries up, it is likely that you are suffering from thyroid problems. Indeed, hypothyroidism can cause a sudden drying of the skin which will be difficult to remedy, especially in the hands and feet. So consult your endocrinologist to check your health.

8- Great chilliness

 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

If you are cold all the time, even during the summer, it could mean that you have hypothyroidism due to the lack of iodine in your body or due to an autoimmune disease. So, if you are particularly chilly, talk to your endocrinologist.

9- muscle cramps

If you often have muscle cramps or pain, it probably means you have a magnesium deficiency. You should therefore talk to your doctor, who will order blood tests to check the levels of magnesium and vitamins D, B and E in your body and detect the source of the problem to suggest a solution.

10- Sudden kleptomaniac tendencies

The urge to steal things, even if you can afford them, could be a harbinger of dementia. If you notice this tendency at home or in someone around you, you should contact a psychiatrist or a neurologist.

11. The feeling of being tight

 Symptoms The Body Warns You Before Disease Arrives

If you sometimes have the feeling of being tight at the level of your waist, your legs or your body in general, or if you have the impression of wearing gloves at the level of your arms or wearing very heavy shoes at the level of your feet, it could mean that you suffer from multiple sclerosis. A visit to the neurologist is essential to make sure of your state of health.