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How To Refresh Your Curly Hair In The Morning?

How To Refresh Your Curly Hair In The Morning?

Curly hair needs special maintenance, especially to keep pretty, well-defined curls all day long. Indeed, it is not uncommon to find on waking, tangled locks or flattened curls that have lost their shape. However, there are effective tips for refreshing your curls in the morning and enhancing them. We tell you more.

How To Refresh Your Curly Hair In The Morning

Curly hair is not always easy to tame. We can draw our curls, they end up losing their spiral shape when we sleep, and we end up with flattened curls when we wake up.

How to refresh curls in the morning?

It is possible to refresh the curls and redraw them in the morning, thanks to simple gestures

Do not brush hair

If you brush your hair, you risk unraveling and further damaging your curls. Instead of using a brush, gently detangle your hair using your moistened fingers.

Moisten the hair

When we sleep, our hair loses water and becomes less flexible. Wetting the hair helps to hydrate the ends and give the spiral shape to the curls. That said, spray your hair with water when you wake up to dampen it. Preferably use mineral water, because hard water can dry out the hair fiber and cause dandruff. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil or milk to your spray to better define your curls and retain water.

Moisturize the hair

After wetting the hair, it is important to moisturize it, in order to keep curls flexible and well defined throughout the day. To hydrate your hair naturally without weighing it down, you can use aloe vera gel, glycerin or honey. These humectants not only moisturize the hair, but also limit water loss.

Scrunch the hair

After moisturizing your hair, redefine your curls using the scrunching technique, also called the scrunching technique. This American technique allows you to dry the hair after having moistened it, while redrawing the curls and avoiding frizz. To do this, position yourself upside down or tilted to the side and grab the ends of your hair in both hands, then go up them accordion to the root. Avoid touching your hair after the scrunch, to avoid breaking the curls, or causing frizz.

These tips will certainly allow you to refresh your curls in the morning and to sublimate them, but they are not enough to keep beautiful curly hair supple and shiny. To take care of your curls, it is important to adopt a good hair routine in the evening.

How to take care of curly hair in the evening?

To facilitate the styling of your curls in the morning, it is important to adopt the right gestures before sleeping. That said, remember to detangle your curls at night, after wetting them, using your fingers or a comb. Next, style your hair to protect your curls. To do this, tie your hair above your head using spiral elastics that do not break the hair fiber. You can opt for a bun or a ponytail, but without your hairstyle being tight so as not to create tension. Also, use a silk or satin pillowcase to lock in moisture and protect hair from breakage. This way, you also reduce the risk of having split ends when you wake up. By moisturizing your hair and adopting the right hairstyle, you will protect your hair from friction that dries out the hair fiber while you sleep.

That said, to keep well-defined and sublime curls even when you wake up, all you have to do is integrate the right gestures into your hair routine to take care of curly hair and keep it shiny and supple.