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Top 10 Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

Top 10 Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

There are ingredients that come up a lot in our cooking, including herbs and vegetables which, in addition to being very healthy, enhance the taste of our preparations for tasty dishes. To have it at will, you just need to know the right tips. Here are 10 herbs and vegetables you probably use every day and how to replant them to use them without moderation!

Have you always dreamed of having your own vegetable garden? Be aware that this is possible for most of the ingredients found in your kitchen without much investment. Here are 10 herbs and vegetables that you can replant in your kitchen:

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

1. Garlic
Garlic is a staple of world cuisine. Its distinct taste enhances your dishes without ever failing in the task. On top of that, garlic remains an excellent antibacterial and a significant ally for your health. You will only need a glass jar, a little water and a few cloves of garlic to benefit from its sprouts. Arrange them in the jar so that the top of the garlic clove is facing up. Add a little water and let it grow. You will have results after a week. Do not hesitate to replace the water every 3 days so that it does not stagnate.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

2. Carrot leaves
If the carrot tops usually end up in the trash, be aware that they are edible and quite usable in cooking. In a starter, in a soup or in a sandwich, you can grow them at home to integrate them into your daily life. For this, you will need the top of the carrot which you usually get rid of. Put it in a transparent container and submerge half the carrot with water. Replace the water every 3 days to avoid the formation of mold. In less than a week, you will be able to see small buds appear which will give beautiful crisp tops in the next 7 to 15 days!

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

3. Basil
Basil is a key ingredient in our kitchens. You will only need to cut a few leaves with their stems and put them in a jar filled with water. Put it in the sun and let it grow. You can then put your plantation in a pot filled with soil for a better result.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

4. Green onions
You can get results very quickly with green onions. Place them in a jar filled with water and expose them to light. You can get a new onion after about a week.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

5. Romaine lettuce
Indispensable salads, you will be delighted to learn that you can plant them at home. Place a stem of lettuce in a bowl filled with water at the edge of a window, you will have results after about 2 weeks.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

6. Mint
A great way to flavor your teas or refresh your salads, you can plant mint leaves in a pot containing loosened, cool, moist soil. Bury them in the container and cover them by packing the soil around them. Water abundantly and place the pot in a place combining shade and sun.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

7. Onion
You can plant the base of an onion in a pot filled with soil or directly in your garden if you have them. Wait until the onion is fully developed before harvesting it.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

8. Ginger
Ginger is a little more complicated to grow. For the more patient of you, you can plant ginger in a pot filled with soil. After a few months, you can harvest fresh and organic ginger.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

9. Mushrooms
To plant mushrooms you will need a humid place. Put them in a pot filled with soil and use fertilizer (or coffee grounds). After a few days you will be able to get results.

Vegetables And Herbs To Grow At Home

10. Coriander
You can plant coriander by placing a few stems in a glass of water. When the plant develops roots, it will be enough to put it in a pot filled with soil to allow it to grow naturally.